![]() | Around Useful Navigation Information & Update Histories for iOS |
Nearby GPS & AR Navigation(Around Useful Navigation) download link is here. |
Information & Update [iOS version](11/08/2020)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.7 is released. - Supports iOS 14. - Supported from iOS 10.0. (06/15/2020)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.6 is released. - Corrected the copyright notice on the map. (04/24/2020)Around Useful Navigation HD version 2.8.5 is released. - Updated the library. (04/23/2020)Around Useful Navigation normal version 2.8.5 is released. - Compatible with iPhone SE (2nd Gen.). (01/28/2020)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.4 is released. - Modified about Ads. (11/22/2019)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.3 is released. - Improved difficulty in viewing maps in dark mode. (11/15/2019)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.2 is released. - Supports iOS 13. - Supported from iOS 9.0. - Fixed a minor bug. (08/27/2019)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.1 is released. - Fixed minor bugs. (08/09/2019)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.8.0 is released. - Improvements around geocoding. (04/10/2019)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.8 is released. - Improved stability. (02/05/2019)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.7 is released. HD Version: - Corresponds to 2018 iPad PRO 12.9-inch 3rd gen and iPad PRO 11-inch. Normal Version: - Fixed link for the developer app page. (10/27/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal version 2.7.6 is released. - Corresponds to iPhone XS Max / XS / XR. (09/20/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.5 is released. - Fixed a bug where the contents of the cell in the table view on the landscape screen of iPhone X shifted. (08/08/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.4 is released. - Improve search speed. (07/03/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.3 is released. - Corresponds to GDPR. (06/15/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.2 is released. - Fixed a bug caused by changing API Key. Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.1 is released. - Changed App Store display name to Nearby GPS & AR Navigation. (05/04/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.7.0 is released. - This version or later also used Apple's search engine for Place search. (01/31/2018)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.6.6 is released. - Changed Google Places API Key. (11/13/2017)Around Useful Navigation normal version 2.6.5 is released. - Fixed not to cover under iPhone X. (11/03/2017)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.6.4 is released. - Compatible with iPhone X - The minimum compatible OS version has been changed to 8.0 or later. (10/12/2017)Around Useful Navigation HD version 2.6.3 is released. - Modified about Ads. (10/11/2017)Around Useful Navigation normal version 2.6.3 is released. - Modified about Ads. (06/14/2016)Around Useful Navigation normal version 2.6.2 is released. - Changed of the App Store screenshots (in Japanese). (06/04/2016)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.6.1 is released. - Fixed a problem of not displaying the address. (06/02/2016)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.6.0 is released. - Improved search hits count. - Corresponding to the specification change of the category search of the API. - Corresponding to iOS 9. - Corresponding to iPad on iOS 9 Split View and Slide Over. (07/08/2015)Around Useful Navigation normal & (07/09/2015) HD version 2.5.10 is released. - Changed deployment target (corresponding OS version) to be 6.0 or later. (06/30/2015)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.9 is released. - Fixed a problem of function Back in swipe on the detail screen. - Improved app behavior in part of the iOS version. (06/16/2015)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.8 is released. - Changed back to deployment target (corresponding OS version) to be 5.1.1 or later. - Changed menu search keywords. - Fixed some bugs. (06/01/2015)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.7 is released. - Changed deployment target (corresponding OS version) to be 6.0 or later. - Improved app behavior. (03/05/2015)Around Useful Navigation normal & (03/04/2015) HD version 2.5.6 is released. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. - Improved app behavior. (01/23/2015)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.5 is released. - Fixed a minor bug. (12/04/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.4 is released. - Move ads to top. (11/19/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.3 is released. - Build for iOS 8.1. - Include 64 bit binary. - Change deployment target (corresponding os version) to be 5.1.1 or later. - Fixed the problem for reading some KML files. - Corresponding to read KMZ. (11/09/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & (11/11/2014) HD version 2.5.2 is released. - Improved behavior of ARView. - Removed swipe back function in iOS 5 in detail screen reason by crashed. - Changed launch splash. (10/11/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.1 is released. - Build for iOS 8. - Correspond to iPhone 6/6 Plus screen size. - In the detail screen you can swipe from left to right to go back. - Removed screen rotation fix function. - Correspond completely landscape screen. - Modified a little of direction calculation. (09/04/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.5.0 is released. - The arrow navigation of direction function was added. - Changed UI. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. (06/06/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.4.1 is released. - Enabled to select the Apple Map again. (05/08/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.4.0 is released. - In the detail page of the place, it shows coupon near the place by the hotpepper API. - Changed API of getting address. (04/17/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.3.1 is released. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. (03/29/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.3.0 is released. - Built for iOS 7.1. - Correspond to switching of meters / mile in setting. - It can change the favorite place name. - It can save memos in favorite place. - Correspond to screen upside down in landscape mode. (03/05/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.2.2 is released. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. (02/04/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.2.1 is released. - Fixed a bug in landscape mode and iOS 7. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. (01/20/2014)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.2.0 is released. - Optimized for iOS 7. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. - In iOS 7 and iOS 6, it can display only Google Map by Google Maps SDK for iOS, and in iOS 5, it can display only Google Map by Apple API. (12/13/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.7 is released. - Fixed a problem of the name of the city cooperation filter search in details of spots in Japan correctly. - Correspond to the name of the city cooperation filter search in details of spots in some regions. (11/8/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.6 is released. - Change to the 4th UI (UI which removed the lower left AR view for iPod touch, and extended list) was enabled by shaking.(in normal version) - Correspond to new iPad. - Old Google Local Search API was removed. - The confirmation message of the favorite addition by map long press was displayed. - Fixed some bugs. (10/18/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.5 is released. - Improved app behavior. (9/27/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.4 is released. - Fixed the problem which a footprint function does not start rarely. - Improved present location acquisition in iOS 6 or later. (9/19/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.3 is released. - Fixed problem for these three function of "@location/address" to move, "#location/address" to register Favorite place, and reading contacts. (8/22/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.2 is released. - Improved app behavior. - Fixed a bug. (7/28/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.1 is released. - Improved app behavior. (7/17/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.1.0 is released. - The function which transmits a present location, the search center point, or the destination (purple pin) by e-mail was added with the screen top "Mail Send" button. The link (for feature phones) of a Google map picture, latitude longitude, address information, and the link which starts around useful navigation are written to e-mail. When around useful navigation is started from a link, a pin is displayed, and it is recorded on a "Histories of launching by URL scheme", and can call. - It corresponded to URL scheme starting. It can start by "aroundunavi://" ("aroundunavihd://" in HD version ). When around useful navigation HD is installed in the start-up in a scheme, "aroundunavi://" is transmitted to "aroundunavihd://". Latitude longitude information, a place name, and an address can be specified as a query (argument). - It corresponded to Google Place category search. It can become search by a category regardless of language and locale. - Fixed other minor bugs. (6/28/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.6 is released. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. - Modified the map rotation function used by Google Maps SDK for iOS. - Fixed bugs. (6/10/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.5 is released. - Fixed bugs. (4/9/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.4 is released. - Updated Google Maps SDK for iOS. - Fixed a bug. (3/30/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.3 is released. - Fixed a bug. (3/22/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.2 is released. - When the AR distance filter is set 10 km or less, the places of the distance of 10 km or more are stopped updating a calculation of a direction and a distance every 30 m. Especially the number of the favorite place reduced consumption of the battery in cases of many, such as 100 or more. The distance of the stopped items is displayed in the gray red. The distance of the stopped items will be updated if you move more than 3 km from your present location. - It changes into the specification that the app follows a present location after 5 seconds when the app returns from a background.(3 seconds to 5 seconds). - Fixed some bugs. (3/13/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.1 is released. - It changes into the specification that the app follows a present location after 3 seconds when the app returns from a background. - Fixed some bugs. (3/4/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 2.0.0 is released. - This App enabled it to display also the Google Map by Google Maps SDK for iOS correspondence. An apple map and a Google map can be changed and used. - Correction of the bug by which a present location is not updated by iPod touch and iPad Wifi in iOS 5/6. - It doesn't display compass heading calibration message. (2/4/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 1.6.1 is released. - Correct that it may become not "Search unsuccessful" but "No Results", when the number of search results is zero. - Change the specification of a search-results display in case two or more results are in the same place. - Correct that a memory leak may be carried out. (1/18/2013)Around Useful Navigation normal & HD version 1.6.0 is released. - Change API of search into Place API from Local Search. (Please turn ON from a settings [Search With "OLD" API] to use the old API) - The scaling expansion(+) and reduction(-) button of the map was attached. - The telephone number of a store is displayed in detail and it enabled to tap it to call. - When the google map app is installed and you tap the "Navi" button, you chose the google map app to cooperate it. - Modified other things. (12/06/2012)Around Useful Navigation HD version 1.5.6 is released. - Fixed the problem that contacts cannot be loaded in iOS 6. (12/05/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.5.6 is released. - Fixed the problem that contacts cannot be loaded in iOS 6. (11/24/2012)Around Useful Navigation HD version 1.5.5 is released. - Correction of map magnifying power when a shop or facility are chosen. (11/17/2012)Around Useful Navigation HD version 1.5.4 is released. - Build for armv7s. - Enable iAds. (11/11/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.5.3 is released. - Fixed crashes occurred if the input value in search windows with "@" or "#" prefix doesn't fall in correct latitude or longitude range. (11/10/2012)Around Useful Navigation HD is released.(Ver 1.5.3) Around Useful Navigation HD optimized for iPad. (10/18/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.5.2 is released. - Fixed a problem where the pin is not falling rarely in iOS 5. - Modified the app continues trying to get present location when it failed to get present location. - Fixed other bugs. (10/2/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.5.1 is released. - Corresponding to the iOS 6. - Corresponding to the new screen of iPhone 5. - "Navi" button launches "Apple map app" or "Google map web" that became to be selected. - Changed timeout of network connection in searching. - Fixed other minor bugs. (9/13/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.5.0 is released. - Fixed bugs of crash if preset location or search center point's address is void (example of sea). - New function that is "Offline KML" is available. It is once downloaded and imported KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file, this app shows its spot around present location or search center point in offline once downloaded. (8/28/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.4.5 is released. - Camera view display function is off of default. - Fixed bugs of camera view display function in future iOS. - Update Ads SDKs. - Fixed other minor bugs. (7/15/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.4.4 is released. - Display Powered by Google logos. - Added a UI screen to view a large map (Third UI). ...Please change the UI by shaking your iPhone. - Update Ads SDK. - Fixed other minor bugs. (6/8/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.4.3 is released. - Fixed sometimes crashes when you search specific word in specific place. - Fixed other minor bugs. (4/13/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.4.2 is released. - Modified that the map will be updated present location 5-sec, 15-sec and 30-sec after launching this app. - Modified getting address for detail. - Fixed some bugs. - Update documents in English. - Update Ads SDK. (3/1/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.4.1 is released. - Improved for search speed. - Improved the stability of application. (2/10/2012)Around Useful Navigation version 1.4.0 is released. - Added footprint function.(Pushed "FootP" button starts recording current location per 30meter and Pushed "FP Stop" button stops this function and clears footprint.) - The destination pin of the map is better understood. - Added some menu words, and modified some menu words in English. - Default UI changed to second UI as before. - Some others modified. (1/7/2012)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.3.8 is released. - Update Ads SDK. (11/18/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.3.7 is released.(later only Free version) - Update Ads SDK. (10/29/2011)Around Useful Navigation PRO version is stopped publishing. (10/28/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.3.6 is released.(only Free version) - Update Ads SDK. (10/22/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.3.5 is released. - Fixed crash by outer module.(in Free edition) - Fixed bugs in AR filter view. (10/21/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.3.4 is released. - Improve the search window is covered with Japanese input view in iOS 5. - Fixed other bugs. (10/1/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.3.3 is released. - The function of displaying the address is revived. - Fixed crash in some case when the favorite place is added by holding long map screen and tapping "reg" button. (9/13/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.3.2 is released. - Changed displaying time is military time (24-hour clock) when language is Japanese. - Added menu word "shrine" and "temple". - Changed menu word "100yen shop" to "one dollar shop". (9/3/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.3.1 is released. - (in Free version) Added the animation when the advertising is switched. - (in PRO version) Fixed bugs to become portrait view for a moment when UI (User Interface (Screen)) is changed by shaking in landscape view on iPad. (8/31/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.3.0 is released. - Added function of changing second UI (User Interface (Screen)) by shaking the iPhone in main portrait view. - Fixed other minor bugs. (8/11/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.2.5 is released. - Fixed function you can search for selected place or facility with the city name from address tapped "Detail" button (in Japan). Screen Capture is renew. (8/4/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.2.4 is released. - Fixed crash in some case. (8/3/2011)Around Useful Navigation PRO version 1.2.3 is released. (Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version's 1.2.3 is skipped, version 1.2.4 submitted) - Fixed crash in some case. (Particularly on iPad 2 problem is fixed) (7/25/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.2.2 is released. - Deleted the function of displaying address. (When many accesses occurred, reverse geocoding function returned error and application is crashed, so this function is deleted) (6/29/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.2.1 is released. - Changed menu word. (6/14/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.2.0 is released. - The function of load contacts added. This is reading the names and addresses are registered in iPhone's contacts. If there is a location (for items that are entered address), it shows in the menu lists and maps. - The function of AR distance filter added. Tap the circle scale 300m, 500m, 1km, 3km, 5km, 10km, unlimited, you can display facilities or shops only focus on the search results within a distance of these seven stages. - Added to display the percentage of battery life. - Fixed some bugs. (5/13/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.1.5 is released. - Supported iPad 2.(only PRO version)(Fixed AR camera view showing small on iPad 2) - Fixed to become sleep mode when camera synthetic is enabled. (4/20/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.1.4 is released. - Some words added in menu. - Fixed crash in returning from the background in some case. - Fixed crash when pin is added in moving some-km from starting location. - Update the SDK of Ads (Free Version Only). (3/17/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.1.3 is released. - Build for iOS 4.3.(Fixed AR camera view showing small in iOS 4.3) (3/11/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.1.2 is released. - Build for iOS 4.3.(Fixed AR camera view black out in iOS 4.3) - Font size changed in AR view.(size is more larger in minimun small size) - Fixed leaked memory and crash in some case. - Fixed other bugs. (2/25/2011)Around Useful Navigation PRO version is available in all the world itunes store. Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version & PRO version 1.1.1 is released. - Improved the document of the English version. - Changed the specifications, the number of favorite place or favorite search word exceeds 500(Max) not to be able to register more to bring that message to delete an existing one. - Fixed other minor bugs. (2/2/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.1.0 is released. - Corresponded to a horizontal screen, so you can use it widely in the menu list and map screen. - Improved that the pin is falling more stable. - Improved that the menu list item is out of the menu cell in three lines in sometimes. - Modify the error message is shown again after 10 minutes if the map failed to load. If the placed is registered favorite place in advance, you can check the direction of it in offline in the waves not reached. - Fixed some more. (1/8/2011)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.0.2 is released. - The function "Reg" button of registering directly to favorite place at current location (or search center point) added. - The remaining battery and the time is displayed. - Fine-tune retina display. (12/31/2010)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.0.1 is released. Please update. (12/29/2010)Around Useful Navigation Basic(Free) version 1.0.0 is available in all the world itunes store. and version 1.0.1 is submitted. Waiting for update. 1.0.1 will fixed issue below. - Changed that the map and AR screen is not rotation, when the search center point is not current location. - Improved the problem that pin is not dropped down in sometimes after search. - (in basic(free) version only) "Detail","Navi",and "Setting" button became a little larger. |